Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Writing for good...

Libraries in Pennsylvania are having a tough go. State funding has been slashed, yet state mandates to provide a requisite number of service hours continue, despite manpower shortages. In Lancaster County where I live, a referendum that would have provided a dedicated tax of ¼ mill applied to the assessed value of all real estate or an estimated total of $6.75 million in funding annually to the Library System was voted down a few years ago.

(Sadly, people where I live will vote down anything that would raise their taxes, regardless of whether it's the right thing to do or impacts the quality of life for anyone other than the voter himself.)

While there is no easy solution to the financial stress our libraries are facing, I want to do something, besides paying overdue fines, which I'm quite good at, and am happy to pay, of course. So, here's my idea:

My area library, the Ephrata Public Library, is a terrific community resource. For years, I have participated in a bestsellers call service where they phone me when my favorite authors' new releases come in. You can download e-books, do research, take out audiobooks on compact disc and MP3 formats. They host specials events for all ages, fundraisers, and workshops. You can buy used books at their gift shop. I've already screened movie series there that would be hard to view through more commercial movie rental outlets.

So, I am participating in a writing marathon hosted by my favorite online forum, The Write Idea, on October 30. All proceeds will benefit the Ephrata Public Library. The writing marathon lasts 12 hours. I'm aiming to write 25 pages or roughly 6,250 words. You can sponsor me by the word, by the page, by the hour, or give a flat donation.

Please consider making a pledge by emailing me at or let me know your pledge amount in the comments section by October 29.

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