Lori suggested writers use a simple framework to create and follow concrete goals for themselves, year by year. Basically, you merely set up a three-column table or spreadsheet with these headers:
GOALS FOR 2010-11 | What I Need To Do Now To Achieve Goals | Calendar Months
Then you fill in the spreadsheet. For my 2010-11 goals, I listed:
- Revise SHAKER mss and resubmit to [certain publisher]
- Complete three of five WIPs novels
- Have 4 quality journal credits to add to my clips
- Make some money from my writing
- Meet new writers, editors, agents
- Be a better Literary citizen
- Improve my visibility as an author
- Further my craft and push myself as a writer
- Have a fiction manuscript accepted for publication
- Cultivate and deepen opera network in preparation for book tour
- Do a week's worth of research and finish rewrite
- Prioritize list--complete and polish one novel every four months
- Polish up new stories and submit to a journal every two weeks
- Send short fiction to paying markets; begin writing pieces for demand studios; look for casual work at a small publisher
- Find and begin more online relationships; attend a conference; take cards, follow up
- Write at least one book review per month; find books I can review on Amazon or at other locations, i.e., Twitter once a month
- Create website, interact on social media, do cross-promotions with other authors, give readings
- Read 2 pieces of literary fiction; enter two contests;
- Obtain a new agent with a record of selling fiction
- Create template for interview questions; do one two interviews a month on Operatoonity.
I created my spreadsheet in mid-July. So, two full months later, how much have I accomplished?
- I improved my visibility as a writer by winning an national songwriting contest sponsored by the Washington National Opera--my lyrics won first place as selected by Placido Domingo (Goal #7)
- I created this new blog on writing and another blog to review audio-books (Goal #8)
- I attended a Social Media conference. Though not a writing conference, it did expand my social media toolkit for marketing myself and my writing. (Goal #8).
- I widely queried my opera book in August, receiving and fulfilling fifteen requests for partials or complete manuscripts thus far. They continue to dribble in one or two a week. (Goal #9)
- I followed some new writers, editors, and agents on Twitter, to build my online network (Goal #5)
- I completed and requested new interviews with opera companies, directors, and composers. (Goal #10)
- I did two readings since setting my goals and I sold three anthologies in which my work appeared (Goal #4 and Goal #7)
- I'm doing a write-a-thon on October 30 to benefit my local library (Goal #6)
How about you? How do you go about setting and realizing your writing and publishing goals?
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