Tuesday, May 3, 2011


[Photo update: Spanish & German partners at Colegiata on Wednesday afternoon]

The German students from the Willstätter Gymnasium in Nuremberg will be arriving to A Coruña this afternoon. They take part in our school-exchange programme. Tomorrow will be their first day in our school. They are going to be with us until Thursday 12th May.
They'll be around our school, but we've also prepared lots of extra activities for them.
Wedsnesday 4th: Welcome breakfast at 10:10h at English classroom 2. Visit to A Coruña city centre in the morning, stopping at Plaza de Lugo fish market. Visit to the Old Town in the afternoon.
Thursday 5th: Trip to the Cies Islands with their Spanish partners, all day.
Friday 6th: Visit to the Bellas Artes Museum.
Weekend with their host families.
Monday 9th: Visit to the Hercules Tower and Aquarium in the morning.
Tuesday 10th: Visit to A Coruña's port in the morning and trip to Betanzos in the afternoon. In the evening, they'll attend Deportivo's football match at Riazor Stadium.
Wednesday 11th: Visit to Inditex's General Headquarters in Arteixo in the morning. In the evening, there'll be a farewell dinner with all the students, their host families and teachers at the school's cafeteria.
Thursday 12th: Trip to Santiago with their Spanish partners and departure from airport in the afternoon.

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