Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Do dumb questions make others writers look like Dumbos?

Recently I participated in a TweetChat with a (very) published author who is now also a literary agent. Though it was more than generous of the author/agent to spend an hour plus answering people's questions, I had to excuse myself from the chat early because more than a few would-be authors were asking really, really, really (did I mention really?) dumb questions, and I could no longer contain my irritation.

In this instance, the question that sent me signing off from the chat was something like this, "When I'm ready to shop my manuscript, should I just send an agent my first 50-100 pages and a synopsis in an attachment?"

There is abundant information on the Internet about what to send, when, to whom. A-b-u-n-d-a-n-t! With a smidge of research even someone intellectually challenged and/or completely self-absorbed (sometimes it's hard to pinpoint the source of their Dumbo-ness) can find out within minutes what the agent/editor wants and that you only send them what they want. Go find them on their website or AgentQuery. Take some initiative. Investigate they want and send them what they want.

Why does it bother me when other writer-wannabes blurt out Dumbo questions?

Maybe because I take care when I'm given a chance to them questions. They're busy. They get tired of answering the same questions. They are looking for signs of intelligent life.

And you, lazy-writer-who-could-find-out-your-answers-anywhere-with-a-modicum-of-research, aren't helping the rest of us. Of course, maybe they aren't hurting those of who have done the research and found the answer to softball questions as much as I think they are. Maybe agents/publishers can sniff out those who have done their homework and are serious about being published versus those who are, well, not.

What do you think? When other writers do Dumbo things, do you think agents and publishers than think we are all Dumbos who'd just as soon blow water out of our trunks and think things like, Gee, I've never written a book before but I think I'll write one today?

Disclaimer to today's post: I happen to really like the character Dumbo and the movie of the same name except for the scene with the delirium tremens. No malice is intended toward either.

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